
Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Radio New Zealand focus on Maori Education

Manaiakalani has been featured in an article for the Radio New Zealand News website. The piece features quotes from Manaiakalani Cluster school principals: Russell Burt, Rhonda Kelly and Gael Vickers.

To read the article, click the image below:

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Manaiakalani Success Story - Hapara

Our friends at Hapara have released a case study on Manaiakalani and the way we use digital teaching.

"Manaiakalani schools infuse training in self-awareness and self-regulation into the experience of their children. By using progressions, self assessment, and teacher feedback/feedforward, students are able to know exactly what they have learned, assess how well they have done, and understand what they need to learn next."

Click the image below to read the full case study: