The recent announcement by Telecom that they are continuing the support of the Manaiakalani programme was welcomed by the twelve Manaiakalani schools and their whanau.
The Telecom Foundation announced today significant additional funding to support the rollout of the Manaiakalani digital learning approach to more low income communities.
Today’s announcement confirms an additional $1.2 million contribution over two years to the Manaiakalani Education Trust, to support pilot digital learning programmes in several new school clusters across New Zealand.
The Telecom Foundation is approaching its third year of partnership with the Trust, with an original investment of $1 million over four years. The new funding will more than double this investment to $2.2 million.
Last weekend the NZ Herald ran an article questioning whether our schools in New Zealand are keeping pace with current technology.
The Manaiakalani Programme was quoted as an example of a group of schools ensuring that our young people do get to learn using the technology of today.
Glenbrae School's principal, Lesley Elia was also interviewed and spoke about the impact of the Manaiakalani Programme in her school.
Read all about it here.

This is an idea adopted by a dozen Auckland schools, which have signed up to the Manaiakalani Education Programme.
This promotes new teaching and learning approaches in a growing cluster of decile 1 schools in the low-income communities of Tamaki — the East Auckland suburbs of Glen Innes, Panmure and Pt England.
Glenbrae School in Glen Innes is part of this programme. Parents can pay for netbooks in instalments, equivalent to less than the price of a cup of coffee per week.
For about $3.50 a week, the computer can be bought over three years. The price includes internet access from home and technical support.
Glenbrae principal Lesley Elia says another benefit is that teachers' job are made easier because the devices are all the same.
"We have also had huge support from Telecom, which has helped a great deal.
"These devices are vital and without the Manaiakalani Trust we would never have enough money to cover something like this."
The Government was looking at the initiative with a view to introducing it throughout the country.
"Principals at schools in other regions are now coming to take a look at what we are doing."