
Monday, 17 March 2014

Schools fight for e-education - One News

Manaiakalani has been supporting a cluster of schools in the Mt Roskill area - Ako Hiko - to follow a similar journey to the one we are on.
This weekend TV One featured Wesley Intermediate and the Ako Hiko cluster on the news and mention was made of Manaiakalani during the item.

Click below to watch the segment:

Friday, 14 March 2014

21st Century Learning in Kaikohe - Festival of Education

The Manaiakalani schools have been supporters of three schools in the Kaikohekohe area over the last year and were very pleased to hear news of their Chromebook rollout day in February. This article gives some insight into the journey of Ohaeawai School, Tautoro School and Kaikohe West School.

We have hosted their teachers in our schools and worked with their principals and lead teachers from time to time in Auckland.  Richard Johnston (Panmure Bridge School) , Helen King (Pt England School), Jenny Oxley (Manaiakalani Education Trust) and Dorothy Burt (Manaiakalani Education Programme) have at different times travelled to Kaikohe to provide support.